PrT skims

With the Calculate PrT skim matrix procedure, the PrT skims listed in Table 123 can be calculated (User Manual: Calculating PrT skims). The abbreviations in parentheses indicate the file extensions which are used by default for skim matrix output in version files.

Table 123: PrT skims

t0-PrTSys (TT0)

TSys-specific travel time t0 in unloaded network

tCur-PrTSys (TTC)

TSys-specific travel time tCur in loaded network

AddValue1..3 (AD1 - AD3)

Sum of AddValue

Trip distance (DIS)

Distance covered from origin to destination

Direct distance (DID)

Direct distance between origin and destination zone

Speed v0-PrTSys (VP0)

TSys-specific speed v0 in unloaded network

Speed vCur-PrTSys (VPC)

TSys-specific speed vCur in loaded network

Toll (TOL)

Toll of traversed links

Impedance-PrTSys (IMP)

TSys-specific impedance in unloaded network

AddValue-TSys (ADS)

Sum of TSys-AddValue data

User-defined (UDS)

Flexible calculation of a mean attribute value per OD pair, also allows for the linkage of attributes of different traversed network objects (User Manual: User-defined PrT skims)

Calculating skims is either done via the best path as regards to the set criterion or via aggregation from the paths of an assignment result calculated beforehand. In this case you can select one of the aggregation functions listed in Table 124.

Table 124: Aggregation functions for skim data calculation

Minimum impedance

Skim value calculated from the path with minimum impedance

Maximum impedance

Skim value calculated from the path with maximum impedance

Mean over paths

Skim value calculated as a mean over all paths

Mean over path volume

Skim value calculated as a mean over all paths weighted with the corresponding path volume

Moreover, the set of origin-destination relations for skims can be calculated, and also restricted like the type of network objects which are included in the skim calculation.